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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Listen to me on Relevant Radio: make your home a domestic church

Laura DeMaria

I enjoyed speaking with John Morales earlier this week about my family’s experience having the enthronement of the Sacred Heart performed in our home by the Legion of Mary. We also talked about the call to make one’s home the domestic church. You can listen to the conversation here, which starts at minute 9:05.

The enthronement declares Jesus king of the household, and brings a reminder of the eucharist in (even for the purposes of adoration!). Our homes should be peaceful, holy places, an antidote to the chaos out there in the secular world. And from there, peace can radiate out. We talked about all that.

I am convinced that it is our duty simply to create peace within our own sphere. To go beyond and individually try to implement world peace is just too much. You can, however, govern your own relationships, and more importantly, your own self. Deal with the problems right in front of you, rather than focus entirely what some politician in Washington is doing. For example, can you name your representative in the state house of delegates or representatives? That’s someone you’re more likely to influence.

I was recently reminded that St. Irenaeus wrote, “The glory of God is man fully alive.” Reflect on that!