Next radio talk: enthroning your house to the Sacred Heart
Laura DeMaria
Friends, join me this Tuesday, July 11 at 7:10 am eastern on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air program, where I will be talking with John Morales and company about my experience of having my home enthroned with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. That is a fancy way of saying we invited the Legion of Mary and a priest of our parish to our home to officially bless an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary and then place them in a prominent place, in our case, over the fireplace mantle. What is really cool is that this setup can now take the place of a holy hour in front of the Eucharist. Wouldn’t that be something! Pretty powerful stuff.
There’s plenty online about it, and Cardinal Burke wrote a book about it. Here’s an article that sums it up nicely: How Enthronement Will Change Your Family Forever
““The whole meaning of the devotion is to extend the grace of the Eucharist into the Christian home and from the Christian home to the whole world.”
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