Can AI replace human evangelization?
Laura DeMaria
Friends, I have a very interesting discussion coming up this Tuesday at 7:10 am eastern on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air program: can AI replace human evangelization? Whether it’s through the creation of the written or spoken work, visual or graphic arts, or even just explaining the Catechism, the time approaches when Catholics are going to wonder and test out how AI can help them spread the good news.
A few things we’ll be discussing:
Will using AI bring out our virtues, or vices? Will it make us lazy perfectionists?
Can the Holy Spirit work through AI-generated religious content?
How can you tell if what you’ve created is accurate, or especially that it doesn’t accidentally contain something evil?
Is using AI totally safe, or is it like summoning something through a Ouija board?!
Will using AI separate us from the fruits of traditional evangelization, like relationships made with those served, and humility gained in humbling or tough situations?
And much more!
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