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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Latest radio times: praying the rosary, and saints for mamas

Laura DeMaria

Yesterday morning I once again joined John and the Morning Air crew to discuss: five saints all moms can go to for all our needs: Those saints are:

  • St. Monica - patron of patience

  • St. Joseph - patron of sleep

  • St. Zita - patron of cleanliness

  • St. Dymphna - patron of mental health and anxiety

  • Plus: most important of all, the Queen of the Universe and Mother of God herself, Mary

The segment starts around 16:26.

Now these are just the first few I thought of. There could be more! Are there any other needs you have as a mom that require some special intercessory saint prayers? I bet you can think of a few.

And earlier this month, we talked all about the rosary, and Relevant Radio’s 21-day rosary challenge. You can listen to that conversation here.