Who was Nino Baglieri?
Laura DeMaria
Friends, this morning at 8:20 eastern I will be on Morning Air to discuss a near-saint named Antonino “Nino” Baglieri. Nino, born in 1952 and passed in 2007, was a quadriplegic who lived a life of heroic virtue. He was not born disabled; at 17 he experienced a fall from a tall scaffolding, and became paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life. For the first decade of his affliction, he was depressed and despairing. However, following a prayer experience with a group from Renewal in the Spirit he underwent a profound interior change. From then on, he served others, in prayer, counsel, writing letters (with his mouth!), making phone calls, hosting visitors at his bedside as they sought his peace, and generally sharing the Gospel and being an example of accepting God’s will in his life. One of my favorite details from his life: After his death he was dressed in his running clothes, so that, as he said "on my last journey to God I can run to meet him."
An inquiry into his canonization has begun.
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Nino Baglieri, pray for us!