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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Latest update: catch me on Morning Air tomorrow

Laura DeMaria

Happy feast of the Baptism of Jesus! And just like that, Christmas is officially over. I pray for you it was not just warm and fuzzy, but also meaningful.

And if you’re looking to add a little meaning to your life, join me at 7:10 am eastern tomorrow morning, Tuesday, 1/10, where I will be discussing 3 reasons for hope as we start out this new year. It will of course be adapted from my most recent article, Reasons for Hope at the End of the Year. They are: the overturn of Roe, the return to in-person life, and the increase in enrollments at Catholic Schools. Can you think of any good news worth celebrating? Let me know!

See you on the air.