What are some reasons for hope in the new year?
Laura DeMaria
This morning I joined John Morales on the Morning Air Show to discuss the good things that happened in 2022, and which can give us cause for hope in the new year. Listen here.
As an aside, the segment starts with a few minutes of banter between the hosts, and the matter of doggie fitbits comes up. Can you imagine? Do you have a pork of a dog who you want to put a step-counting watch on? Hilarious. Hope he doesn’t eat it.
Anyway, we covered the fact that God has it all in control - a refrain in my writing and speaking, as it goes. The good news to cover can be found in my latest article, Reasons for Hope at the End of the Year.
The signs of hope are there. As I emphasized in the conversation, it really is on us to point them out and name them for ourselves. If you have one good thing in a hundred bad things, think about that good thing.
Similarly, think about where that good thing goes next. As I mention in the article and the interview, a by-product of the end of Roe is the fact that supposedly pro-life politicians are going to have to walk the walk, not just talk to the talk, on pro-life legislation and protecting life from conception to natural death. Will we see that this year? Maybe so.
My final bit of advice is to do an examination of conscience, if you are thinking about the beginning of a new year and where you want to go and how you want to be. Allow for silence that will give you the needed environment to hear God speak to you, however that looks. And remember that he is on your side, and wants you to be happy, and it is a choice to believe this. And, as Fr. Mike Schmitz recently said on the Catechism in a Year podcast, sometimes our view of God is very small. He is so much bigger than we believe. We want to put him in a box and ask him to give us the good things we want and know to ask for. But, make 2023 your year of believing God has so much more in store.
God bless you in this year!