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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


ICYMI: discussing "what's next" with Relevant Radio

Laura DeMaria

I had a great time speaking with John on Morning Air yesterday. Catch the clip here, beginning around 22:12. We discussed all the ways that regular people like you and me can play a role in building the culture of life: donating, volunteering, joining a parish pro-life committee, getting educated, and praying. I mean “regular people” as in, not having spent a life in pro-life work full-time. There is plenty of work to go around!

I continue to follow what leaders in the pro-life movement are saying about what’s next, and hear over and over the refrain that the end of Roe is just the end of the beginning. Now, the work to enact this whole-societal shift - which is in essence working to move society to view humanity, each other, as God views us - begins in earnest. Political solutions, church solutions, charity solutions, it’s all a part of the mix. Where do you fit?

At the very least, pray for this effort. As I shared with John, one prayer needs to be that God will be with us in these efforts. Pray also to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the only Marian apparition where she appeared pregnant. That’s got to mean something, eh?