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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Life Beyond Roe; me on the radio tomorrow morning

Laura DeMaria

Friends, I will join John and Glen tomorrow morning at 7:25 am eastern to discuss my recommendations on what every person needs to do to support the much-needed culture of life (spoiler alert: you don’t have even have to volunteer anywhere. Though, that would be a great thing to do!). You can find your station here or simply open the live player and listen here.

Also, if you are like me, you are still wanting to understand what exactly is the next thing coming, post-Roe. I just signed up for Life Beyond Roe, a webinar happening Wednesday night this week, at 8 pm eastern. See more here. All the big names in the pro-life movement will be there. Also, I realize that many of the “big names” are people who have been at it for ages. This really has been a years-long, multigenerational fight.

By the way, I put. my money where my mouth is on these recommendations. I have emailed my church’s pro-life coordinator, and just donated to my local pregnancy center. It starts with each one of us!

See you on the radio.