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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Hear me on Relevant Radio this Tuesday

Laura DeMaria

Friends, I’m joining John Morales this coming Tuesday, 11/15 at 7:10 am eastern to discuss my latest article, The Great Resignation is a Spiritual Crisis. You can find your station here, download the Relevant Radio app, or listen on the live player in your web browser here.

Additional thoughts: the solemnity of Christ the King is coming up. You can join Pray More Novenas in praying the Christ the King novena here.

Also, okay, it is now time to start thinking about Lent, which begins the Sunday after Thanksgiving, just two weeks away, Sunday, November 27. Personally, I do not have a brainwave yet on how I will be honoring the time and setting it aside, most likely in prayer. But I really do believe in living liturgical seasons. I think as humans we need the boundaries of seasons, of both an earthly and supernatural nature, to keep us grounded and in our right minds. It is how you mark time and reckon with memory. So, I encourage you to do something - read a brief meditation each day, read a whole book on something spiritually significant, or pick up a normal practice you’ve been wanting to do for a while, like simply reading the daily readings. Remember Advent is about waiting, and there is symbolism there, as we wait for the second coming of Christ. And, Mary is the preeminent “Advent figure,” as they say, because we can imagine her waiting for the Christ child she carried in her womb to be born. So, as always, you can go to your Mother.

See you Tuesday morning!