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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


October is halfway over - but don't forget it's the Respect Life Month and the month of the Rosary!

Laura DeMaria

It’s the 15th of October - which means the month is halfway over!

I’ll be joining Morning Air this coming Tuesday at 7:10 am. There, I’ll be discussing that even though it’s halfway through the month, it’s time to recommit our focus to two important themes of this month: Respect Life and the month of Our Lady’s rosary.

See below a preview of our conversation:

The month of the Rosary

When it comes to the rosary, a couple things:

  • The first is - pray the rosary! Make the time however you can, ideally every day, but even once a week is wonderful. Pray with your family.

  • Learn about the power of the rosary. Earlier this month on October 7 we celebrated the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, which commemorates the victory of Christians over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto—a victory attributed to the praying of the rosary and Our Lady's intercession.

  • In terms of its power: the rosary has been said to be like a powerful sword that cuts through sin. If there is a particular sin you are struggling with, bring it to prayer in the rosary.

  • Learn the promises of the rosary. Our Lady revealed to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche additional benefits for those who devoutly pray the Rosary, and there's 15 total.

  • They include: that praying the rosary will cause great works to flourish in the world, and that all who pray the rosary will be aided by Our Lady in their necessities.

Respect Life Month

  • For respect life month, remember that as Catholics we "respect life" from natural conception to death. That means we are not just remembering unborn babies and their families this month (and always), but also those approaching the ends of their lives, or those poorer or less fortunate than ourselves.

  • Respecting life certainly includes prayer, but it's also an active mission that allows for a lot of great volunteer opportunities to get involved.

  • Find your local pregnancy support center and support them through donations or volunteering.

  • Visit a nursing home or find out from your pastor if there are homebound parishioners you could visit.

  • Volunteer to feed the homeless, work at a food pantry, or otherwise share your gifts with others less fortunate.

  • That's what respecting life - and overall, creating a culture of life - means!

  • And don't just include these things during October. Live them throughout the year, as we are called to be a witness to the faith every day of our lives.

Also, look ahead: we end the month with Halloween, but as Catholics we also want to be thinking about Tuesday, November 1, which is All Saints Day and a holy day of obligation. So, check with your parish about their Mass schedule for that day and plan ahead.

Like I mentioned in my last post, I am already getting emails advertising Advent books, calendars, prayer resources, etc. So, if you really want to jump the gun and be a big ol’ Catholic overachiever, go ahead and be thinking about your Advent game plan - not because it’s a competition (it’s not), but because being present in a liturgical season can bring a lot of blessings. Namely, internal peace, and closeness with God.

Good stuff ahead, folks. Enjoy your weekend!