Things I'm thinking about
Laura DeMaria
Seasons greetings, everyone. And I mean the glorious fall season that is upon us. These are the things I am thinking about:
Seasons, and the imperative to accept each one as it comes. “Seasons of life” is an overused phrase, but precisely because it works perfectly. There are literal seasons, and then there are those that come and go in our individual lives. God asks us to accept both, including the tough times - you just have to get through it. But therein lays the opportunity to grow closer to God and ask him to help you carry your cross. Easier said than done.
Jerzy Popiełuszko. A couple weekends ago Bishop Robert Barron included him in his weekly homily, “Stand Strong in the Spirit.” Jerszy was the spiritual leader of the Polish anti-Communist Solidarity movement and was ultimately martyred. After hearing that, I came across him again mentioned in a newsletter somewhere this week. I am in awe of his heroism, and pray for his intercession.
Advent. I received multiples newsletters this week excitedly sharing that it’s not too early to be thinking about Advent! That’s true. I also pose the question: is this like putting out the Christmas decorations October 1? I don’t know.
The phrase “bright as the sun,” which is the nickname of this blog and which derives from the Catena, the prayer of the Legion of Mary. This week I learned from a fellow Catholic Stand writer that the phrase “bright as the sun” will be used in a new song for World Youth Day 2023. There is no mention of the catena, though.
Don’t forget - catch me on Morning Air this coming Tuesday, October 18 at 7:10 am.
There’s no such thing as too much pumpkin spice.
Have a good weekend!