Happy first Friday of May
Laura DeMaria
May is here. The month of Mary! Queen of all hearts. And tomorrow is a first Friday, so if you are able to get to Mass, do.
My parish began doing adoration every Friday - what a gift! To have that time for contemplation.
Two St. Joseph resources for you (this is becoming a St. Joseph stan account, obvs):
How to Pray the Chaplet of St. Joseph (had never heard of this before - tell me how it is)
Vatican adds seven invocations to Litany of St. Joseph
Now that one is fun. Here they are:
The seven invocations, in Latin, are Custos Redemptoris, Serve Christi, Minister salutis, Fulcimen in difficultatibus, Patrone exsulum, Patrone afflictorum, and Patrone pauperum.
“The new invocations of St. Joseph can be translated in English as Guardian of the Redeemer, Servant of Christ, Minister of Salvation, Support in Difficulties, Patron of Refugees, Patron of the Afflicted, and Patron of the Poor.”
I particularly like “Support in Difficulties.”
Here’s the full Litany of St. Joseph (Terror of Demons!).