About the call to evangelize
Laura DeMaria
Earlier this month I joined John and Glen on the Morning Air show, just after Ascension, to discuss the idea of how we are all called to evangelize in the wake of the ascension. You can listen here, starting at 21:45.
It is Pentecost Sunday! That also means the end of Easter, and the return of Ordinary Time. I have become partial to it, as you may know, if you read this blog regularly. I like it because I have learned how good it is to love and appreciate the ordinary, not just the extraordinary. This means I must put away my decorative bunnies, but I will lovingly take them down against next year, and thus goes the cycle of life.
Tune in tomorrow (Monday, 5/23) morning at 7:15 eastern as I will be joining John and Glen on Morning Air to discuss my reversion story, at this, the 7 year anniversary of my coming fully into the Church. Good times, everybody. You can listen live online here.
By the way, I am working on an article for Catholic Stand about the idea of what we can/should give back to God. It’s an interesting concept, because by his death, Jesus made animal sacrifice (or any kind of “sacrifice”) unnecessary. And yet, we may feel called to thank God for his blessings, and want to give back in return. I spoke on Morning Air about this a few weeks ago, and thus the idea. My recommendations: serve others, worship him, give your time and presence, and most of all, seek to be obedient.