Radio! Plus Twitter
Laura DeMaria
Ladies and gentlemen, I am excited to announce that I have joined Twitter! CHECK IT OUT! Username: @LauraRDeMaria. I will use Twitter as one more way to communicate about the things that matter to me in the world of spiritual exploration and growth. It's lots of fun to find other Catholics online, as well, and share stories and information from all over the world and be able to keep on top of what's happening politically and socially as it relates to the Church. Very exciting times!
I also spoke with John Harper and the Morning Air team this morning, discussing my article, Finding Your True Self in Marian Devotion. The article itself has generated a few comments at the bottom, and I love hearing how other people have been led "home" by a calling to pray the rosary. It really is that simple.
The radio interview was really more focused on my own path home, as it began with the rosary. It was a brief interview so trust and believe I could have talked on that subject, and more deeply, for an even longer time. Just as a bit of behind-the-scenes, I never actually know exactly what I'll be talking about when I go on, just that the article itself will be the focus point. So it's fun to see what angle John takes and what he is interested in speaking to me about. You can listen to the audio here, starting at 41:45. Will I ever get used to the sound of my own voice via radio or technology? Nah. Also, can I tell when it's John or Glen talking? No, not really, and that's also funny to me. By the way, sorry for the initial technical difficulty, if you listen - we fixed it eventually.
One other thing: it is officially summer. This is my favorite season, and as I write, the sun is setting against a baby blue sky, setting the strands of clouds to pink and periwinkle. The pool below is flickering peacefully with the day's last swimmers slushing back and forth. Did you dance about the maypole today? Or drink in some fresh air? Summer is fast and not lasting - like many good things. Even though I did not get outdoors today, I thank God simply for the fact it is summer and that outside the world is turning to glorious, warm dusk, right at this very moment in time.