Finding Your True Self through Marian Devotion
Laura DeMaria
Originally published in Catholic Stand, June 18, 2017.
I have written before that my spiritual life is owed to Mary. A few years ago, after a long period of lapsed faith, I felt suddenly called to pray the Rosary, which was followed by daily Mass attendance, then Confirmation into the Church, and the rest, as they say, is history.
It is impossible for me to separate my Catholic faith from a love for the Blessed Mother, and yet I know many Catholics – and certainly many non-Catholics – find the idea of praying to Mary, and seeking her intercession, puzzling at best and blasphemous at worst.
As many great saints have acknowledged, the sun cannot be eclipsed by the moon. Marian devotion is just that: the moon that is illumined by and reveals the shining love of Christ. We are called to form a relationship with Mary, a human person who was close to our Lord; this relationship will lead us to closer to Christ, and help us become the true persons God calls us to be...
Being, Serving and Loving Like Mary - read the rest of the article here.