Businessman sends free Fatima statues to parishes throughout the world
Laura DeMaria
I came across this article last week in the UK Catholic Herald, "Businessman sends free Fatima statues to parishes throughout the world." I love this story for a few reasons:
1: The selflessness of this man, Jose Camara, to serve a cause, and his God (and specifically, his Mother). How many people do you know give completely of themselves in this type of way?
2: The manner in which he gives, both because it is such modern evangelization, and also because he is doing what he can with he has. He is elderly, so he won't be flying to South America for a mission trip. Instead, he uses his means and resources to send a spiritual experience to those who need it, and he does it with full faith in the power of our Blessed Mother's intervention and without asking for anything in return. It is a very uncomplicated ministry, with very deep reward. I love it!
3. It involves the Blessed Mother. This year is the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions, and her message of conversion is as important now as ever, for every part of the world. It's not just about Russia; the problem of suffering and persecuted Christians is global and worsening. And it's old news that Christians are the most persecuted faith in the world. I attended a talk last week with some of the groups involved in #StandTogether who reported that more Christians are murdered today than in the time of the Roman Empire.
All of this is reminding me to pray the rosary more often. That is what she asked of us, and even if we are in a position of truly having no resources to share with others, you are never unable to pray. "Always pray and never give up," as St. Luke urged. I mean that: pray, without ceasing, that our fellow believers in the middle east, Africa, North Korea, and everywhere else, may be granted their religious freedom, that greatest of human rights, and for the end of Christian persecution.