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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Radio Redux

Laura DeMaria

Earlier this week I spoke with John Harper on his show, Morning Air, about this idea that you can't turn to a saint when your heart is broken, and for good reason. Listen to the audio here, which starts at about minute 13. We had a momentary technical difficulty, but no big deal. They are extremely professional and it's a pleasure speaking with John and his entire team (including the part where they are queuing up the interview and I speak off-air with his producer, Cyrus, who I feel like is now my long distance friend).

I also just can't describe how it feels both to be in communication with a community of true believers, who are equally as interested in seeking life's meaning, but more importantly, to be in a position to serve or help others. This week I received a message from someone who said that my article helped him work on his all-consuming grief over the loss of his young wife. Think about that! That one comment alone is worth all the time I have spent writing and speaking these past few years. That is what this is about. It is nothing short of a miracle when Christ uses the talents He gave you, working through you to help heal others. 

Happy Divine Mercy Sunday, everyone. Jesus, I trust in you.