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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


I made it on the radio!

Laura DeMaria

Guys, really exciting stuff. My segment with Relevant Radio's Morning Air program was a smashing success, not to mention WAY FUN, and my original Advent article, which started this whole thing, now has 344 shares on Facebook (and counting). Hot dog!!

Here's the link. My portion runs from about 44:41 to 51:47:

As my portion ended and Cyrus, the producer, came back on the line, he said, "You rock!" and I said, "That was so fun! And I want to come back on!" We have promised to keep in touch, so - you may just yet hear me again on the golden airwaves!

I hope everyone's Advent is off to a wonderful start!