Listen to me on the radio!
Laura DeMaria
I have a very exciting update:
A producer at Relevant Radio saw my recently-published article, "5 Ways to Make the Most of Advent" and invited me to speak on the Morning Air program this coming Monday (11/28) at 7:45 AM eastern time! We'll be talking about the grace and traditions of this beautiful time of year.
You can listen live here:
You can learn more about Relevant Radio and the program here and read all my articles for Catholic Stand here. I am VERY excited for this, and can't wait to have a conversation about this special time of year with a community of fellow Catholics.
What else is going on? Well, as mentioned in my article, Advent is just around the corner! It is my favorite liturgical season. I receive Bishop Robert Barron's daily Gospel reflection and was struck this morning by this phrase: "During any of these processes [like Advent], the very worst thing one could do would be to pick at it, to force it, to make it operate according to his private timetable. So Jesus calls us to “be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength…to stand before the Son of Man.” Advent, then is an opportunity to strengthen ourselves to "stand before the Son of Man." Through prayer, good works, introspection and - most of all - demonstrating love. Both the smallest and the largest demonstrations of love are equally important to God, so whatever you have, and whatever you can do - even if it feels too small to count - matters. And that's a beautiful thing!
A couple other things: this weekend I am going to the St. Thomas More exhibit at the John Paul II Shrine. There they will show the movie "A Man for All Seasons," followed by discussion. I don't know much about St. Thomas More, other than what I read a while ago in a Matthew Kelly book; he emphasized More's willingness to stand up for what he believed in (and which resulted in his martyrdom). That is a sort of moral courage that is especially tough these days. Also, I just like any excuse to visit the JP II shrine.
And lastly: I plan on doing the Pray More Novenas Retreat, which is perfect because a.) it'll have great content and b.) you don't even have to leave your house (nay, nor your computer) to do it. There is technically also no cost, though a donation is encouraged. I just love this ministry because it is so simple and to the point, and a retreat is bound to be the same. Go support John-Paul and Annie!
Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving and an excellent start to the Advent and Christmas season.