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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


A spiritual habit: preparing for each month's liturgical celebrations

Laura DeMaria

In just a matter of days, it will be October. And, it occurred to me to wonder - what special saints’ or feast days are coming up? Are there any holy days of obligations that I should make room for in my calendar?

A good place to start is with a website like Catholic Culture. Here’s their page for October. While there aren’t any holy days of obligation (though there is immediately after; November 1 is All Saints Day), there are lots of good saints’ days to be aware of: St. Therese, St. Luke, St. John Paul II, and so on. It is also the month of the Holy Rosary, and the Pope’s prayer intentions for October are for the synod.

So, what’s the point? The point is what I want to drive home in just about all the speaking and writing that I do: that the faith is more than just going to Mass on Sunday. To be Catholic is to bring the faith into your daily life in all aspects, and integrate celebration, memorial, and prayer every day. Not because you’re “obligated,” but because you’re part of something larger than yourself. And, because it’s good for you. The Church is wonderfully ordered toward what makes makes humans happy, and the rhythms of liturgical life build that for you, without really any work on your part other than paying attention or showing up.

So when you, for example, gather your family for a French feast on St. Therese’s feast day, you’re doing something that will lead to happiness and a life well lived; greater closeness and purpose. Or in October you may pray the rosary more often or with your family, or read Luke’s gospel for the first time. These are beautiful, small ways to honor the Church, and your identity as a child of God, throughout your life.

I will be on Relevant Radio this coming Tuesday, 10/3 at 7:10 am eastern to discuss all this and more. You can find your radio station here, listen on the app, or livestream the conversation in a web browser or your computer or mobile device here.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and holy October!