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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Reclaim your distracted attention span!

Laura DeMaria

Recently during prayer it came to me that, while I can blame my own social media use for my shortened attention span - which also affects my ability to concentrate during prayer - prayer itself is the answer!

As in, if I spent more time in deep, focused, contemplative prayer that required my attention, then my ability to cultivate focus would grow in other areas of my life.

I spoke about prayer and concentration this morning on the Morning Air Show with John Morales. You can listen to the recap here, starting at minute 12:05.

What we discussed: the inevitability of shortened attention spans in today’s world where one is inundated with notifications, emails, updates, instant news and stock information, and endless scrolling opportunities. The way that technology gets between spouses, and parents and children. And that focused, contemplative prayer time is the antidote, both for lengthening your attention span, and cultivating an overall disposition of patience and interior peace.

John asked an interesting question, which was: how long does this take? My answer: I don’t believe in “hacks” in the spiritual life. It will take as long as it needs to get one back to focus. But, you can, and should, ask God for help here: let Him know what you are trying to do and that you need His help. We also talked about how all of this is a choice. Yes, social media is an addiction. But the first step to reclaiming your mind for yourself is to acknowledge how miserable it makes you, and begin to move.

Specific prayers we talked about: the rosary, lectio divina, and reading the Gospel or another holy text slowly and intentionally. Reclaim your attention span!

Here’s that playback again. I’ll next be back on Tuesday, September 5 around 7:10 am eastern. Talk to you then!