Tomorrow at 7:30 am ET: join me on Morning Air to discuss the decline in Americans' belief in God
Laura DeMaria
Friends, I am back with John Morales and the crew on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air program tomorrow at 7:30 am eastern. We’ll be talking about a recent survey that shows a decline in the number of Americans who believe in God. My message: we can draw on the wisdom of St. Paul who, in his speech at the Areopagus, addressed the idea of an “unknown god” - that our God is no longer unknown because he took on flesh and became man, and that Indeed “He is not far from any of us.” (Acts 17:22-28) This is the message of hope to take into our own evangelization ( to which we are all called!).
You can listen live online via the player here, get the app, or find your station here. I actually do recommend the app because then it’s easy to listen to all Relevant Radio programming, whenever you want. Good stuff!
And, on this Memorial Day, let’s pray for the souls of all those who served in the military, and especially those who gave their lives in service to this magnificent country. May God’s blessings continue to be on the United States of America, and may we always recognize our great blessings, and teach future generations to do the same.