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Laura DeMaria
This week I joined the Morning Air show to talk about journeying through Holy Week with Mary, which you can listen to here. It is true that the grief Mary felt during that time is basically impossible to conceive or understand (and I hope I never do). But, we learn much from her example, especially her fidelity to Jesus. Staying by his side through it all, through her own fear and questions.
We talked also about how different movie representations of the passion can help our understanding. I, perhaps like you, have a tradition of watching The Passion of the Christ on Good Friday. Think about all that we get to see of Mary during that movie. Remember the scene where Jesus is chained and she knows where he is through the floor, without seeing him, and vice versa? Who are we to say it was not like that?
May your next few days in this holy season be fruitful as we look forward to the Resurrection!