From a reader: Logging off Lent
Laura DeMaria
Hello everyone,
I was sent an excellent resource from a reader who’s developed a way to help you decrease (really, eliminate) your social media use during Lent. Check out Logging off for Lent. He writes":
“I wanted to share a small project I built: Logging off for Lent ( I wanted to provide a small nudge of encouragement to any Christian who wants to give up scrolling on social media for Lent and focus on spiritual disciplines like prayer & fasting during the 40 day interval. To anyone who signs up, I'll be sending out encouraging notes/verses.”
Dare I say getting rid of social media, at any time of year, is the best thing you can do for both your mental health and your relationship with God. Good stuff. Thank you, Mitch!
And while we’re on the topic, if you haven’t read it yet, my latest article is up at Catholic Stand: Prepare Your Heart for Lent. Set your calendar for Tuesday, February 21 at 7:10 am eastern, where I will discuss how to prepare for Lent - which will start the next day, February 22! - on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air program. Find your radio station or listen online here.
Have an excellent Sunday.