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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Americans Want More Kids, and That’s a Great Thing – Part 2

Laura DeMaria

Here she is: part 2 of the two-part articles on Americans’ increasing desire for larger families.

Americans Want More Kids, and That’s a Great Thing – Part 2

I will return to Morning Air next Tuesday, November 28 to talk about preparing for Advent. Fun fact: I have been in Morning Air to talk about preparing for Advent probably more than any other topic. So, it’s like an annual tradition. As a matter of fact, this article, Five Ways to Make the Most of Advent, was the reason I was invited on the show for the first time ever, back in 2016. Advent starts Sunday, December 3, and concludes Christmas eve, December 24. Here comes the most wonderful time of year!

You can tune in next Tuesday at 7:10 am eastern here.