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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Americans want larger families

Laura DeMaria

Tomorrow morning I’ll be on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air program to talk about a recent Gallup poll that showed Americans increasingly want larger families, in the form of three-plus children. Isn’t that something! It’s certainly a sign of hope.

However, in practice, Americans are continuing to have few, or no, children. Why is this? My take is that there a few reasons, including the cost of living which makes having a family difficult. Additionally, marriage ain’t what it used to be, and if fewer marriages are happening, most likely so are fewer children.

Catholics have an opportunity here. We know the trope about Catholics having large families isn’t always true anymore. But whether you have 11 kids or 1 child, if you’re Catholic, you know what we believe about the beauty and sanctity of the family and have the opportunity to live that, and be a sign of hope.

These are the things we’ll be discussing tomorrow. Tune in online, find your radio station, or listen in the app at 8:40 am eastern.