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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Latest radio appearance: how and why to pray for others

Laura DeMaria

Hello! Last week I enjoyed being with John and the Morning Air team to discuss my article, For Whom Should I Pray? with an emphasis on - others! The world, and the church!

You can hear the playback here, starting around the 7:02 mark.

A few interesting things we discussed:

  • Where and how do I begin to pray?

  • Why do the Church and world need our prayers? (and not just ourselves?)

  • Do my prayers really make a difference?

  • Prayer is not about getting what we want - and we often will not see the answers to our prayers, especially if it’s for something happening on the other side of the world

  • Fidelity to the prayer is as important as the prayer itself. So is trust!

  • Mystical prayer is not about sensory experiences, but about complete trust in God

  • YOU are called to pray for the Church in all its dimensions

  • Priests need your prayers. They’re human, too!

  • You never know how your prayers are going to impact someone in their life

  • Prayer is not about what you are going to accomplish, but what God is going to accomplish through your prayers - nothing is impossible for God!

  • God works outside of time - prayer for now, for the future, and even for the past

  • Organize your prayer intentions in a way that makes sense for you, and include your family if you can

  • By praying for others, we begin to see ourselves as part of something greater than ourselves

  • End your prayer with gratitude - and always thank God ahead of time

Prayer, if you have not noticed, is one of my favorite subjects. I feel strongly that it is a part of everyone’s vocation. So, if you are not yet, take that step, and pray not just for your immediate needs today, but for the needs of the world and church around you. In that, you will begin to find your place in the body of Christ, and build even further your faith and trust in Him.