Two new articles and a radio conversation tomorrow
Laura DeMaria
Greetings, folks! I have two new articles up at Catholic Stand:
For Whom Should I Pray? Part 1: about how to pray for the world.
For Whom Should I Pray? Part 2?: about how to pray interiorly, for oneself - not for your needs, but to grow closer in relationship to God.
And, tomorrow morning at 7:10 am, I will be joining John and Glen on Morning Air to discuss part 2, how to pray for oneself. You can find it on your local radio station, or listen on their live player here.
I was inspired to write these by the knowledge that a lot of Catholics just don’t pray. I can’t remember what my prayer life was like before the experience of the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius - probably mostly the rosary. And perhaps you, too, default to the “devotions” rather than going into personal, deeply explorative and truthful prayer. But the time is now! Prayer is the time to meet God, and ourselves. It is the time to learn of our own attachments and false beliefs about God and self, and throw them off. This is the work of a lifetime, and it is utterly necessary to do. Prayer is not an option. So get your hiney in the chair!
See you on the radio!