Latest radio interview: getting to know the newest saints
Laura DeMaria
It was great to be back with John and Glen on Morning Air earlier this week, where I joined them to talk a little about the church’s 10 newest saints. You can listen to our conversation here, starting at the 8:53 mark.
This was an especially enjoyable conversation and we covered a few important things. One, generally speaking, the role that the laity has in the life of the church, including our own call to be saints. I talked about what we can learn from these individuals, as well as all the saints the church has given us. For example, each one answered the Lord, even when His plan was unexpected. God may close a door but will always open a window when you don’t get exactly what your heart desires.
Also, as with all saints, we should not be afraid to live in opposition to the world. And, in their diversity of race, class, and talents, our saints are witness to the universality of the Church, and the ability for each of us to reflect God’s love and mercy in this world through our own lives and actions.
So, have a listen. And, a very blessed Pentecost to you this weekend! It will be my 7th year as a fully practicing Catholic. Imagine that.
God bless you!