Next up: The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Laura DeMaria
We have, ladies and gentlemen, reached Ordinary Time. Green vestments, normal stuff in your Sunday readings. You know the deal. And it’s good!
Do you during “ordinary time” look forward to the next big “thing?” As in - what is the next significant day in the calendar, the next feast, the next reason to celebrate?
The next big thing right now is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, coming up on June 24. Because I realize this is not something I know a ton about, I am going to a.) pray along with Pray More Novenas Sacred heart novena (sign up here), and as an intention pray to know Jesus’s heart better; and b.) do some general research. I’ll start here.
The heart being the thing we think of as the center of our love, I will certainly pray to love as Jesus does. Tall order, especially for ordinary time! But that’s a year-round prayer, anyway
By the way, I would be remiss not to mention that yesterday was the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. I find my own devotion to him grows - it’s just a good idea to pray to St. Anthony, especially if you are looking for something. And I’d say most of us are looking for something.
May your ordinary times be blessed.