Checking in during Holy Week
Laura DeMaria
You may have noticed, friends, that it is Holy Week. How was your Palm Sunday? How is it Easter already?
I have a few recommendations for this week. One, watch The Passion of the Christ on Friday, and Jesus of Nazareth on Saturday. Bake something Saturday, also. Attend the Easter Vigil Mass if you can, because you will get so much more out of it.
Pray in a special way this week for people who are lost. The faith has been, in addition to salvation, both an anchor and a compass for me, and if I did not have it, I am not sure how the past few years would have gone. I think about all the things coming at normal humans these days, from every side, and it is especially hard for those who do not have the perspective of eternity. I do not say that to be snooty, I say that because it is true. As humans, we long for eternity, even when we cannot put a name to it like that. Easter is a time for light entering into the darkness. It is a time for light to enter into hearts in a transformative way. May this Easter be yet another change, but a good one, a welcome one, that includes a level of acceptance, too. And a remembrance that God is in control, Jesus is King, no matter what happens, for ever and ever, amen.