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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


Latest radio + wishing you a very Merry Christmas

Laura DeMaria

I had one of my most interesting conversations with John Morales last week on the Morning Air Show. You can listen to the conversation here.

We were discussing my latest article, Evangelizing in a Post-Christian World. There is so, so much to be said on the topic, and the main point is that you cannot take for granted that the people you meet, and who you are inviting into the Christian life, have any idea what you’re talking about. For many, they are coming into the conversation without a basic understanding of a lot of things, especially historical, because the Church is no longer the dominant cultural force in the western world. There’s no common ground on stories, values, morality, and the purpose and meaning of life. What you do have in common, though, is the human experience - and the longing in every heart for something more and to be loved. Listen to the conversation and you’ll learn more. And I’ll be continuing to think about this, and how we can meet in charity those who are, essentially, speaking another language.

Wishing you the merriest, most splendid Christmas!