Happy Solemnity of All Saints
Laura DeMaria
It is November 1, the Solemnity of All Saints! My favorite thing about this day is that it a day to remember and honor all saints, “known and unknown.” What is an unknown saint? Shouldn’t they all be official? Well, no. Some are lost to history, some are never known beyond their family or neighborhood, but their intercession is still real. So today, think about and pray with those big-name saints - you probably already have some favorites - but remember those others, too: the little church ladies, the holy priests, the self-sacrificing mothers, the cloistered nun who kept the world turning with her prayers.
If you want to learn more about some of the most powerful and beloved saints, Relevant Radio all day today is the telling the stories of the saints. Learn more and listen here.
I’ll be back on Morning Air on Tuesday, November 15 at 7:10 am eastern to discuss my next article, coming out this week, called The Great Resignation is a Spiritual Crisis. In it, I talk about how acedia is the cause of quiet quitting, and the positive discovery of what really matters in life, and the search for a meaningful life, are what are causing the great resignation. It is an interesting topic!
All you saints and angels, pray for us.