Making spiritual new year's resolutions
Laura DeMaria
My latest article at Catholic Stand is up: How to Make Spiritual New Year’s Resolutions.
Now here’s the thing: I don’t really make new year’s resolutions, and I know many people don’t. Generally, it feels materialistic, or more importantly, that any resolution I make is something I should have been doing all along.
However! There is value in setting goals, and certainly in reevaluating and resetting for a new year. And, occasionally our spiritual life needs that.
Indeed, to focus on strengthening one’s inner life - one’s relationship with God - is always a worthwhile pursuit, no matter the time of year. And if setting a resolution to do so helps - go for it!
I organized ideas around four common areas we typically make resolutions or set goals: education and learning, time management, volunteering, and finances. Have a look!
My list is by no means exhaustive, and you may very well have an entirely different idea of your own. I hope those listed spur some thought, and action.
As for me, I think I want to reacquaint myself with the Blessed Mother. I am a dedicated rosary-sayer, but I know there’s more to it than that. What shape that will take, to be determined. Perhaps I will ask the Legion of Mary if I can host the pilgrim Virgin statue.
I hope you had a blessed Epiphany!