June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Laura DeMaria
Isn’t it nice that the Catholic Church celebrates all sorts of fancy and beautiful celebrations all year long? In May, we celebrated Mary, and in June, it is the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Pray More Novenas has begun the Sacred Heart Novena, which you can join here. It ends on Friday, June 11, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (you should go to Mass that day).
I was thinking about the idea of the heart of Jesus, and hearts generally, and remembered an article I wrote a couple years ago, called “There is No Saint of the Broken Hearted.” The bottom line of that article is that the reason there are no saints of heartbreak is because that is the role Jesus fills. We have him to mend our hearts; his sacred heart already understands human heartbreak because he experienced it, too.
A programming note: the Morning Air show has changed hosts and staff, and I am working on getting reintroduced and back on the air with them regularly. I hope to continue appearing there - it is just a lot of fun!
May you have a blessed and peaceful month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please pray for me, and I will do the same for you.