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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


The 7 Joys of St. Joseph

Laura DeMaria

I learned today that there is something, worth meditating on, called The 7 Joys of St. Joseph.

The 7 joys, it seems, are seven events in St. Joseph’s life that made him rejoice. They are:

First, the embassy of the angel sent from heaven to console him in these words: ‘Joseph, Son of David, fear not to take Mary thy wife, for what is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.’ (St. Matt. i. 20.)”

Second, the tidings of great joy brought by an angel to the shepherds, that a Savior was born in the city of David, while a multitude of the heavenly army was praising God, and saying, ‘Glory be to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.’ (St. Luke ii. 10, 13, 14.)”

Third, giving the child the name of Jesus, ‘which was called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.’ (St. Luke ii. 21.)”

Fourth, when he saw the wise men from the east come to pay their homage to the new-born King, ‘and falling down they adored Him, and opening their treasures they offered Him gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh.’ (St. Matt. ii. 1, 2, 11.)”

Fifth, when he heard in the temple from the lips of holy Simeon, that the child was to be ‘the resurrection of many in Israel.’ (St. Luke ii. 34.)”

Sixth, in the land of Egypt, when he saw the idols fallen and broken before the infant God, and heard from the angel that ‘they were dead that sought the life of the child, and that he might return with safety into the land of Israel.’ (St. Matt. ii. 20.)”

Seventh, the finding of Christ in the temple, disputing in the midst of the doctors, after sorrowing for Him three days. (St. Luke ii. 46.)

Isn’t this very nice in the Year of St. Joseph, and such a nice way to get to know him? #3 especially strikes me - the giving of the name of Jesus to Jesus, because it was told to him by the angel, gave St. Joseph great joy. Awww. You see all of his joys being about Jesus, and having nothing to do with himself - as it should be, and as St. Joseph is, known for his humility.

St. Joseph, pray for us!