What do to when a nun-bot texts you
Laura DeMaria
A few years ago I donated to Catholic Charities of South Carolina because of a disaster there; I think one of the bad hurricanes of the past few years. I have since taken myself off their email list, though I do occasionally receive a piece of their upbeat snail mail.
Imagine my surprise earlier last week when I received the below text:
Don’t mind if I do!
Who could say no to that??
I admit, I did not get much past the first initial texts. After answering a few questions about anxiety, which apparently Nun-Bot thought I didn’t have too much of, she (it?) sent a video about anxiety to watch. I didn’t, but I’m sure if I did, and let her know, she’d be there, no matter the time of day or night. And there is something comforting about that, even if it is just a machine.
So anyway, I’ll refrain from making fun of the concept of a nun-bot too much, especially because I am hesitant to ridicule anything that would provide anyone some sort of relief right now (or ever, really). I think it is ingenious that Catholic Charities has created this, with the double benefit of providing a service and keeping the organization in donors’ minds. I am sure the former was the primary motivation; the latter is all right too, though.
So, if you need to, reach out to “Sister Hope” (good name, btw). The number is above. She will not judge you - and that’s a fact!