Prayer on the Fifth Friday of Lent
Laura DeMaria
Photo courtesy of America Magazine. I love this image.
My latest article, Praying Our Way Through the Pandemic, is up at Catholic Stand. St. Corona, now is your time, homegirl!
Speaking of prayer, Holy Trinity in Georgetown has moved a few of its Ignatian programs and retreats online. Holy Trinity is where I have made several Ignatian retreats, and where I was guided through the 9-month 19th annotation retreat in daily life. I cannot recommend the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius enough. Our current quiet, solitary, contemplative status makes this a perfect time for a prayer retreat.
Another powerfully prayerful thing from today: the Pope gave an Urbi et Orbi blessing. Here is the transcript of his homily, which I highly encourage you to read. It was quite a thing to see the Pope in an empty St. Peter’s square, with the rain coming down and great torches lit along the path, and a deep blue sky becoming more deeply blue. It was the perfect kind of alternative universe image for what we are all feeling inside. It was Moses going up on the mountain to pray for his people, and I think the way will forever remember Pope Francis.
It is a Friday, so I will get outside in a bit, then virtual dinner and rosary with some gal pals (and one toddler!).
I am reminded that God is still doing wonderful things. All of this could be leading to something - strangely wonderful and new. Even when I feel hopeless I think, well, I’ve never, ever known what God is going to do next. And usually He does something I once thought impossible.