Quarantine Continues
Laura DeMaria
Working from home without distractions (and no social life nor other obligations) makes it exceedingly easy to find time to write. It is also coming easily when there is much to process, and I feel a real need to stay connected to people - to you. To share what is good and helpful that I am seeing, and to share my questions and learn about yours.
Today I have a few things to share. One is that I learned you can send your guardian angel to Mass for you. Insert crying eyes emojis and heart eye emojis.
Sorry this is huge. I still can’t figure out how to make images smaller.
I am also enjoying the results of how some people are spending the quarantine.
If you have not already, sign up for Pray More Novenas’s coronavirus novena, which starts Friday.
The coronababies are coming. Hooray!
Also, it is the feast of St. Patrick. Here is a prayer I wrote on the occasion: St. Patrick, come drive the coronavirus from our world, just as you drove the snakes out of Ireland!!
How is your virtual Mass-watching going? I watched Fr. Charles’s 9:30 Mass livestreamed from the Catholic Information Center this morning. Over 200 people were on the livestream. It was an incredibly gratifying experience and I genuinely felt connected to Fr. Charles, who is clearly taking his role as shepherd seriously right now. Thanks, Fr. Charles!
Lastly, here is something I should have shared one million years ago when I started watching it (idk, that was probably around August last year). It is an incredibly unique adoration chapel in Niepokalanów, Poland. Its full name: The Star of the Immaculate, World Centre of Prayer for Peace in Niepokalanów. I think the center was founded by St. Maximilien Kolbe.
Jesus, carried in Mary’s heart. The lights change throughout the day. Pray-ers come and go. Keep it open in your tabs and check in with Mary every once in a while.
Tonight is another appropriately socially distanced walk, and seeing if I can get into a local church to pray. I am fortunate to have friends living within walking distance, and a whole pack of miniature Nutty Buddy ice creams.