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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


5 Million Rosaries

Laura DeMaria

I have been a fan of Matthew Kelly, the founder of Dynamic Catholic, since reading Rediscover Catholicism as I went through RCIA (how appropriate!). For me, it was less about re-discovering and more about discovering, for the first time. I like how he discusses the "genius" of Catholicism as it relates to becoming the best version of yourself, as God created you. There is much to be said for that.

Anyway: I just learned that Dynamic Catholic is holding a 5 Million Rosaries prayer event for our nation. As the website says:

"The truth is, there’s no group of people in America in a better position to change things than Catholics. And one of the most effective ways we can change things is through prayer. If the 72 million Catholics in America came together and prayed, something incredible would happen.

That's why we are asking people all over the country to join us in praying 5 million Rosaries for America! The Rosary is an incredibly powerful prayer. It has the power to bring peace. The power to heal. The power to transform your life, the lives of your loved ones, your community, and our nation."

You know I am a.) all about prayer; and b.) all about Mary, so I really love this idea. The rosary is Our Lady's sword for fighting evil in this world, and is one of the most powerful prayers that can be prayed, period. I am envisioning 72 million Catholics praying together, for our nation: its leaders, the armed forces, school and churches, the sick and lonely and the families and individuals who love this country and call it home.

I am praying with the Dynamic Catholic team for our country. How about you?