Listen to my radio spot here
Laura DeMaria
It was a pleasure as always to join John on the air - that is, Morning Air - as I did this past Tuesday. We discussed Ignatian spirituality and my experience with the one-week retreat in January. Listen to our conversation here; you can catch the beginning at about 29:10.
I was also recently approached by the Archdiocese of Boston about my article on prison ministry which they wanted to include in their newsletter for those involved in hospital, prison, parish, etc. ministry. The goal was to share one person's story (that's me) regarding how prison ministry works in the hopes of recruiting volunteers - and for those of you have found this site through that newsletter, welcome! I hope my story leads many new volunteers in Boston into that ministry.
Tonight I am having dinner at a L'Arche home in Washington, DC. I have been wanting to do this for a long time, and I will let you know how it goes.
How is your Lent going? Mine is prayerful and full of love, to be honest. Strange how a penitential time can teach you gratitude.