St. Anne Novena
Laura DeMaria
It feels like less than a year ago that I was praying this novena, and yet here we are again, asking St. Anne, the mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus, for her intercession. St. Anne's feast day is July 26th and Pray More Novenas is leading the novena in her name. I do love that site, not just for its daily reminders, but because of the community, as well. There's something very moving about joining one's prayers with those from all over the world, and knowing that people I have never met are praying for me, as well.
Many single women pray to St. Anne ("St Anne, St. Anne, send me a man" is the shorter version of this novena - ha) but I'd also like to think about her importance as a mother. Tradition holds that she conceived Mary in old age and, of course, immaculately. I will focus my prayers during this time on all the mothers and soon to be mothers I know. St. Anne must have been doing something right to have successfully raised the Mother of God.
For those of you joining in on this novena, I pray for your intentions, as well.