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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20


The St. Joseph Campaign at the Catholic Information Center

Laura DeMaria

The Catholic Information Center (CIC) is in the middle of its St. Joseph Campaign, wherein a generous donor has agreed to match every dollar donated to the $100,000 goal. Donate here and learn a little more about the CIC here.

The CIC is a wonderful resource to have so close to home - not only do they host Theology on Tap during the summer, but offer daily Mass and lectures year-round, in addition to selling lovely books and trinkets out of their storefront on K St. I get a little too excited about Catholic paraphernalia - whenever I am at the CIC I want to buy all he Crucifixes, all the saint cards, all the books. It's a nice little oasis in the city, and a worthy cause to support, and I encourage you to donate so that DC-ers in years to come can have access to this same wonderful resource.