I was on the radio!
Laura DeMaria
I had the pleasure of joining Morning Air again yesterday morning (12/19) to talk about how to determine, Who's Your Patron Saint of 2017?
Check out the audio of the segment here. You can find my part at around 39:30.
I have, ultimately, chosen TWO patron saints for this year. The first is Saint Homobonus. Although his strange name is reason enough to choose him, what really drew me to him is the fact that he is the patron saint of business people, himself being a successful merchant, but one that turned all his success toward helping the less fortunate. I need that reminder, particularly being in the uber-wealthy and uber-competitive DC bubble, that there are things more important and lasting than money and status.
The other is Venerable Fulton Sheen. He has a similar - though not as deep - hold on me the way Saint Pope John Paul the Great does. I think it is because of his communication style, that cuts right through to all the excuses modern humans make for themselves. He knew human nature in a startling way. I also just bought his highly-reviewed Life of Christ and will be reading that over Christmas.
Anyway, I chose him because of his efforts as a modern evangelizer, something which is (I hope obviously) close to my heart. He was on TV, he was on radio, he wrote books and he spoke from the heart. And I think I will see him as a patron for many years to come, not just in 2017.